This means you need to open online accounts with a few bookmakers…once you have tested and proven to yourself that this roulette system works! You may then go to another bookmaker’s website and, if you win another £100 there, you leave and go to a different website. That is, after you win £100 on the website of one bookmaker, you leave there. Any more than that, and you risk being banned by bookmakers and your account closed.
Neither do you require any crazy loss-chasing and other risky play.
You do not need a huge bankroll to operate this simple roulette strategy.This system has been tried and tested hundreds of times.and it does work.How much you actually win a day depends mostly on how much time you have to apply this simple, secret roulette strategy.This is a simple roulette strategy that is capable of helping you win £500-plus (about US $660 ) a day (yes, you read that right!),in a few hours!!